5 Tips to Maximize Your Next Pharmacy Visit

5 Tips to Maximize Your Next Pharmacy Visit
August 9, 2024
RxLocal Team

Your local pharmacy is the best place to get affordable, accessible healthcare.

You can fill up on medications, get seasonal vaccines, pick up your favorite over-the-counter items, and get personalized health advice from your pharmacist.

Your local pharmacist — and pharmacy team — work day in and day out to optimize your health.

But they can’t do it alone.

To see the best results, you should work with your pharmacist and see your health journey as a collaborative rather than directive effort.

When you think of your health in this way, you can maximize your treatment plans and see better outcomes.

At the same time, you can have more rewarding interactions with your pharmacist and make your routine trips to the pharmacy just a little bit more enjoyable.

On your next visit to the pharmacy, then, try out these 5 best practices:

1. Come Prepared

Your local pharmacy does more than just fill prescriptions.

Many pharmacies offer a variety of health-related consultation services that can get you on the right track to improving your health journey.

This can include routine vaccine appointments, diabetes management programs, medication management sessions, and in some cases, virtual counseling.

If you schedule a consultation service, set aside some time to think about what you’d like to get out of the consultation.

This can include any specific concerns, goals, or tentative plans for how to get there.

When you take some time to think ahead, you feel more in control of your treatment plan.

You can also help your pharmacist to better understand your current health state, and more importantly, how you can get to your ideal health state.

Here are a few ways you can come prepared to your consultation, according to the National Institute of Health:

  • Make a list and prioritize your concerns
  • Take important information with you, like your insurance card and a list of current medications you take
  • Consider bringing a family member or friend
  • Keep your pharmacist up-to-date on any new health changes
  • Remove any barriers to communication

2. Ask Questions

All healthcare providers, pharmacists included, want to hear your questions and answer them in a timely manner so that you can feel comfortable with the treatment you receive.

Your questions can be general — like asking basic information about a type of drug — or specific — like how a certain test or procedure fits in with your overall plan.

You can also ask for more explanation or clarification whenever necessary.

Especially when it comes to picking up a new prescription medication, you should ask questions so that you can take the medication correctly and see improvements as soon as possible.

Here are a few worth considering:

  • What is this medication, and what is it used for?
  • When and how often should I take this medication?
  • Will this medication create conflicts with any other medications I take?
  • What are the risks and side effects I might expect?
  • What should I do if I miss a dose of my medication?
  • How much does the medication cost?
  • Can I substitute this medication for a generic?

3. Speak Up

To prevent errors in your treatment plan, you should keep a clear line of communication open with your pharmacist.

When you have adverse reactions, questions, or concerns about the services you’ve received or the medications you’re taking, don’t be afraid to voice it.

Instead, follow the Joint Commission’s guidelines, as summarized by the acronym “Speak Up”:

S - Speak up if you have questions or concerns

P - Pay attention to the care you get, making sure you get the right treatment

E - Educate yourself about your health conditions

A - Ask a trusted friend or family member to be your advocate

K - Know what medications you take and why you take them

U - Use a pharmacy that you have carefully researched

P - Participate in all decisions about your health

4. Follow Your Treatment Plan

When you develop a treatment plan with your pharmacist, you should stick to it — whether that means taking a particular medication, using a vitamin or supplement, or coming into the pharmacy for routine testing.

Certain limitations, like time constraints, forgetfulness, or finances, can sometimes get in the way of treatment, but it is important that you make an effort to follow your plan as closely as possible.

If you find that you are regularly skipping doses of your medication or missing routine appointments, talk to your pharmacist.

They can help you to find ways to address these problems — from sending you text message reminders to helping you find financial assistance programs to pay for your prescriptions.

In any case, your pharmacist is on your team, so don’t be afraid to have an open conversation about setbacks you are having with your treatment plan.

To learn more, read our blog, What is Medication Adherence? + 5 Tips to Take Your Meds on Time.

5. Stick with Your Pharmacist

One of the most important parts of your pharmacy experience is the relationship that you build with your pharmacist.

By visiting the same pharmacist on a regular basis, you can develop a rapport that benefits everyone involved.

When you build a strong relationship with your pharmacist, you’ll feel more comfortable asking questions, speaking up, and collaborating to improve your health.

You’ll also have a better sense that your input is being taken into consideration and that your pharmacist has your best interest in mind.

Finally, becoming closer with your pharmacist will help them understand your needs and give you more personalized rapport.

In an effort to cultivate these relationships, though, you have to get to know your pharmacist — so when you find a pharmacy you like, stick with it.

With this approach, everyone wins.


Your local pharmacy is an important part of your health journey. But, in order to get where you want to go on that journey, you have to work as a team.

Next time you take a trip to the pharmacy — whether to pick up a prescription or have a full consultation — don’t forget these tips.

If you’re in the market for a new pharmacy, consult our Pharmacy Finder to find one in your area that can help meet your health needs and goals.

Taking this first step will set you on the path to better health and help you make the most out of your next pharmacy experience.