Learn the Ins and Outs of Preventative Health Services

Learn the Ins and Outs of Preventative Health Services
June 9, 2023
RxLocal Team

As you likely know, independent pharmacies do much more than dispense medications. Your general health has several layers, with different ailments requiring different solutions. Pills in a bottle go a long way, but they can’t do everything. 

If prescription medications help your current and long-term health problems, preventative health services ensure the road ahead is smooth. 

Preventative health services are a vital element of patient care. Chances are the pharmacy you go to offers a slew of preventative health services. Why not take your health to the next level? 

Here’s what you need to know about preventative health services. 

What are Preventative Health Services?

To quote Health Partners, preventative care services are the “stuff you do (before you get sick) to get healthy.” 

If you want a more “academic” definition, we can go to Healthline

“Preventative health encompasses a set of health services meant to screen and possibly identify health issues before symptoms develop.” 

Preventative health services make you healthier for the sake of being healthier. It’s like car insurance but for your health (but not health insurance): you might not want to get it — but to go without it? Never. 

Almost all healthcare providers or facilities offer preventative health services — especially your nearest independent pharmacy. These services go beyond standard pharmacy work. Pharmacies impact your health in ways beyond filling a prescription. 

They are a healthcare hub that provides many of the services you need. Not only can you pick up your prescriptions, but you’re also receiving exceptional and comprehensive patient care — all at the same place. 

Here are some preventive health services you should look into (if you haven’t already): 


Vaccines or immunizations are the most common form of preventative health service. Over the last near-century, vaccines have almost entirely eradicated diseases that once routinely killed adults and children. 

Vaccines give your body greater immunity to certain ailments. For example, the annual flu shot won’t necessarily prevent you from getting the flu but will provide you with an extra layer of protection. 

Independent pharmacists and other healthcare professionals will recommend you get different types of vaccines as you get older. The CDC recommends patients over the age of 50 get a shingles vaccine. 

What’s more, pharmacists will likely recommend patients over the age of 11 or 12 to get an HPV vaccine. The catch is patients usually shouldn’t get the HPV vaccine if they’re older than 26 years, also according to the CDC.  

It might sound like a lot to keep track of — and it is. Luckily, your independent pharmacy is there to make sense of this pharmaceutical madness. 

A key advantage of sticking with an independent pharmacy is they safely store your medical records. They’ll know which vaccines to administer and which dose of the shingles vaccine you need. 

All in all, vaccines give you a robust line of defense against diseases that once ravaged the whole world. Amazing, isn’t it?

Test Screenings 

As mentioned earlier, independent pharmacies do way more than put pills into a bottle. And yes, they do more than administer vaccines. 

In the realm of preventative health services, few are as vital and convenient as test screenings. 

At the time of writing, most independent pharmacies offer blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol health screenings. For patients, it’s incredibly convenient to pick up their prescriptions and know their blood glucose or cholesterol levels.

Independent pharmacies also benefit from these services because they now have a more comprehensive idea on your current health. 

The prescriptions on your patient profile now has more context with that latest blood pressure check. If your diabetes screening results are high, they can recommend a great doctor’s office nearby. 

Most of all, test screenings give you a better idea of your current health. It’s understandable to drag your feet to the doctor’s office or independent pharmacy. 

Still, just like those agonizing dentist appointments, your long-term health depends on that brief moment of discomfort. They’re the epitome of preventative health services, the pharmacy equivalent of the phrase “better safe than sorry.” 

Go get that overdue blood pressure screening. Your future health will thank you for it. 

Cancer Screenings

Preventative health services are meant to stop a potentially growing disease right then and there. Your health journey gets a little bumpier and more complicated as you get older. 

As we mentioned in our “National Cancer Survivors Day” blog, your body becomes more susceptible to diseases — and yes, cancer — as you age. This makes cancer screenings an extremely important preventative health service. 

Our male readers are probably no strangers to colonoscopies or at least the necessity of getting one. They are exams to look for swollen tissues or cancer in the colon and rectum. 

Mayo Clinic recommends patients over the age of 45 get a colonoscopy. You have no colon cancer risk factors other than age, also according to Mayo Clinic. Chances are your doctor is already badgering you to get one. Know that it comes from a place of love — and Hippocratic obligation. 

Mammograms have the same urgency but for women. They can detect breast cancer before it even shows signs or symptoms. Mammograms can also lower the risk of dying of breast cancer, also according to Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic supports annual mammogram screenings starting at age 40. Nevertheless, everyone’s health journey is different. Different health problems require health solutions, so discuss specifics with your doctor. 


Preventative health services make you more proactive with your health. Your health is changing every moment. While some changes don’t amount to much, others can be the beginning of a legitimate health crisis. 

Urgency is the name of the game with preventative health services. Whether you’re getting blood pressure screenings or your annual mammogram, you’re ensuring a smoother road for your health journey.