10 Engaging Social Media Ideas For Your Pharmacy

10 Engaging Social Media Ideas For Your Pharmacy
May 3, 2024
RxLocal Team

By now, you know that social media is key for your independent pharmacy.

Pharmacies everywhere use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X to connect with patients, advertise their services, and build their business beyond the brick and mortar. If your pharmacy isn’t already using social media, you should be.

But just posting on social media isn’t enough.

In order to see success and drive followers to your storefront, you should focus on the most important part of social media: creating good content.

If you’re looking to improve your social media presence and capitalize on your content, read on for these 13 must-post social media ideas.

Want an even easier way to run socials? Click to learn more about RxLocal’s Social Media Assistant.

1. Health and Lifestyle Advice

Patients look to pharmacists to provide easily accessible health information.

On social media, you can take the advice you give daily to the digital world and post helpful tips and tricks on your social media accounts.

Consider posting nutrition tips, exercise regimens, supplement recommendations, and general lifestyle advice.

An important part of creating a strong social media presence is to post content your followers didn’t know they needed — providing value — and offering health “freebies” is a powerful way to do it.

2. Staff Spotlights

Patients feel more connected to their pharmacy when they know the staff on a personal level. To facilitate this, take the time to post team introductions on your social media accounts.

Whether it be your pharmacists, technicians, or clerks, spotlight your staff so your patients can get to know them on a professional (and personal) level.

Include some basic information about them, their interests and hobbies, or some fun facts about them.

Odds are patients will feel more in touch with your pharmacy — and your staff won’t mind the shoutout, either.

3. Patient Spotlights

As you’re posting spotlights, don’t forget about your patients. Snap a quick picture, ask about their experience in your pharmacy, and share it on social media.

Not only will highlighting your patients show that you value them and their business, but it will provide an opportunity for them to share what they love about your pharmacy — and let others know about it, too.

You can highlight long-time patients, patients who’ve made an impact on your community, or patients who have simply put a smile on your face.

4. Your Story

As you spotlight your staff and patients, you don’t have to be left in the dark. Instead, take the opportunity to share your story on social media.

If your pharmacy has a rich history, go back to your roots and show the evolution of your business, then and now.

If you have a new pharmacy, show how you’ve already impacted your community and how you plan to continue to do so.

In your post, you can discuss the initial days of opening, the hurdles that you experienced, and how you overcame them to get where you are today.

Patients love a good success story, so use your social media to share yours.

5. Behind-the-Scenes Looks

Go beyond your origin story and show where you are today with an inside look at your pharmacy.

Share photos and stories from your store, whether it be at the front-end, the dispensing area, or the clinical services section.

A behind-the-scenes look at your pharmacy will help patients better understand the ins and outs of the business and give you a chance to show them what you do daily.

6. Pharmacy News

Social media is the first place you should go to update your patients on anything and everything happening in your pharmacy.

Whether it be an upcoming holiday, a change in your normal operating hours, or an event you plan to host soon, share it on social media.

Patients will be grateful for the advance notice and may share updates with their own networks.

7. OTC Product Recommendations

A great way to expand your content and increase your OTC sales is to recommend your most-loved products on social media.

Ask a patient or a team member to pick out one of their favorite products and speak about it for a featured post.

Products can be specific to the season (like nasal sprays and cough drops during the winter months), or they can be everyday favorites (like vitamins and supplements).

As a bonus, offer a discount on the product you spotlight for a limited time.

8. Public Health Information

Aside from staying up to date with your pharmacy, patients rely on your social media to provide them with the latest news in public health — whether it be health outbreaks, vaccine information, or cold and flu stats.

Many patients may not seek out information on their own, so make sure you bring it to them and ensure that they can make informed decisions about their health.

9. Motivational Quotes

Followers want to be inspired as much as they want to be engaged, informed, and entertained.

To help facilitate this, try posting quotes to your social media accounts. A simple image with some text goes a long way in providing value for your followers.

Many pharmacies like to start off the week by posting a quote with the hashtag #motivationmonday, but one post every week or so can make a difference in your content quality.

10. Community Involvement

Patients care about the efforts you make beyond the four walls of your pharmacy.

As you stay active in your community, share your involvement on social media.

From cheering on the local high school football team to raising awareness for an important cause in your neighborhood, use your social media platforms to advertise community activities.

Sharing your involvement demonstrates that you care about your patients beyond their prescriptions and that you want to see your local area succeed.

Patients love a good success story, so use your social media to share yours.


If you’re looking to improve your social media presence and grow your pharmacy both online and in-person, focus on creating compelling content.

Or, for an even easier approach, look to RxLocal’s Social Media Assistant. Every month, we send out pre-made social media posts you can share with your followers — it’s as easy as copying and pasting.

With the Social Media Assistant, you can take the guesswork out of posting and start creating content that your patients will love.